Greetings beekeepers of the world! A co-worker (who is also my
mentor when it comes to bees) just approached me to pose a
question to the internet.  Does anyone know of, heard of, have
experience with, etc. of using tylosin for control of american,
or european foulbroods? Maybe even nosema?  He remembers talking
with someone about it several years ago, but he can't remember now.
So if anyone has information on this, send it to me. I am going to
get him an email address so he can take part in bee-l in the future.
Thanks for your time and efforts!!
Mike Quimby
[log in to unmask]
P.S. My brand-new hives are doing well.  I sat and watched them
bringing in the pollen yesterday....very relaxing!
From: QUIMBY MICHAEL E              (MCVAX0::RK81239)
To:   VMS MAIL ADDRESSEE            (IN::"[log in to unmask]")
      QUIMBY MICHAEL E              (MCVAX0::RK81239)