People ask me what good is the 'net anyhow?
I tell them that almost any obscure question you could ever possibly have
can be answered to some extent in minutes if you go to the right place --
often by the same people who do the research or those who are experts on a
topic, either through study, or through practical experience or both.
Here's one of those questions now (Helllpppp!):
I read years ago that syrup kept in iron containers would become toxic to
brood over time.
My question:
How sensitive to iron and its compounds are bees in their various stages?
Our water system gives out rusty water somnetimes and this water may be
the only water convenient for diluting syrup.  Additionally barrels used
for storing syrup tend to get rusty after a few years of intermittent use.
Is there a danger of toxicity to bees from rust, or is it only elemental
iron that is dangerous?
W. Allen Dick, Beekeeper                        VE6CFK
Rural Route One   Swalwell   Alberta   Canada  T0M 1Y0
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