THIS IS A NOTORIOUS HOAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This thing has been making the rounds of internet for months.  Repeat: it
is a HOAX, people!!!!!
Viruses CANNOT be transmitted in a text file, they require an executable
program file (.exe, .com., .ovl).  Get it????
On Fri, 21 Apr 1995, Larry Farris wrote:
>                        Subject:                               Time:5:16
> PM
> Date:4/21/95
> To: All Internet Users
>   Our company has just sent out a warning to users of the Internet.
> Some user of AOL has just sent out a new deadly (to your hard drive)
> virus, it is in a file called "Good Times"  -  DO NOT ACCESS THIS FILE.
> TRASH OR DELETE IT WITHOUT READING IT.  It will completely erase and
> rewrite your hard drive making it useless. - Larry Farris (Dallas, TX)