Dear Bee-L'ers:
    As you know from previous discussions on the list, we feed whatever we
can get the cheapest, and we are always looking for bargains.  We've used
granulated sugar, brown sugar, confectioners sugar, corn syrup, sucrose
syrup, hard peppermint candy, Nestle's Quick, you-name-it.
    Well, we just had a wreck upstate and we went up and bought a
tractor-trailer load of NutraSweet at salvage prices.  We've been really tickl
ed at the bargain brought about by someone else's misfortune, but then we got
to thinking:  Will NutraSweet hurt the bees?  Anybody with any experience, or
would like to comment?
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Dave Green            PO Box 1215, Hemingway, SC   29554