Gordon Hayes says:
>>The book is entitled, "Insect Pollination of Cultivated
Crop Plants"  Agriculture Handbook No. 496 Agricultural Research Service,
USDA, written by S.E. McGregor in 1976.
>>If you (or anyone reading this) knows where I might get a copy of this book
I  would be very appreciative.
    Try your congressmen.  They get free copies for distribution, and I have
gotten several publications that way, including one that was out of print.  I
haven't done it in a long time, but I presume it's still a policy.
    I have a copy, if you have specific questions.  Sadly, it is, as you say,
out of print, but also out of date, and we really need a new work that takes
into account the drastic changes that have occurred in pollination field.
[log in to unmask]                            Dave Green
Eastern Pollinator Newsletter, PO Box 1215, Hemingway, SC  29554