I find in my area, Denise, that  early discharge, say 12 hours or so, is a
major contributing factor to breastfeeding failure.  The mother is exposed
to a few nurses...who all have differing opinions.  There is no LC in our
hospital who is on staff as only an LC. A nurse may be an LC, but has a full
patient load. So if a mom needs help, she may get it, if there is time, if
not, she doesn't. Period.   Often mothers are discharged never having had a
good nursing session, not even one.  THe area is trying to combat this by
providing home based  LC services to mothers who seem to "need" it, and who
are within the insurance parameters.. THe problem is , if they do not have
the proper insurance that covers this service (not all do)...then the mother
is not often seen in the ped's office for 2 weeks, by which time the mother
has freaked out, and stopped nursing.

Frustration. Argh.!


Kathleen B. Bruce RN, BSN, IBCLC
Williston, Vermont USA
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Remember to stop and smell the "roses!"