Debby: You're in the midwest now, hon, so get used to people being backward
and/or not nearly so interested and supportive of breastfeeding as you
found in Hawaii.  Remember, the west coast (of Canada, USA and Australia)
has the highest breastfeeding rates of their respective countries. I could
make a joke about all the nuts falling into California whenever the country
shifts, but... I won't. In contrast, the midwest has much less high rates
and many very conservative (read out-dated at times, or at least not as
current in knowledge levels as some of us would like) practices and notions
of what a good practice is.

Alas, you have settled in one of the more "backward" areas of Illinois. My
practice is about 50+ miles east of you and I do occasionally get mothers
referred to me from the Joliet area. To build a practice around here, you
must have the patience of Job (I don't recall: was his wife patient, too?)
and willingness to let happy mothers you've helped be your primary referral
source. Once MDs start seeing steady reports from you and mothers who
confirm that they were pleased with your services, they MAY (or may not)
begin to refer to you. Case in point: I have been here 3 years (with an
active practice) and just this week got a nice thank you letter from a
doctor in a large peidatric practice. He has received at least 10 reports
from me in the past 3 months, but what got him off dead-center was a
referral which means he now has a new patient in his practice he didn't
have before--a referral from me when the original MD would not help the
mother.  I guess crossing palms with $$ makes the difference. In any case,
he is now being very friendly, and sent me his business cards in order that
I might send him more patients!!  Oh well.  Hang in there. Next time I get
a call from Joliet, I'll mention that you are availalbe.  But, you will
need to send me your phone number.  (privately)    KGA

         %%  Kathleen G. Auerbach, PhD, IBCLC    %%
         %%        Lactation Services            %%
         %%        Homewood, Illinois            %%