Hi Mellisa,
Thanks for taking the time to answer me re: the "lc" problem I am being faced
with.  I really like the idea of handing out IBLCE brochures and it is not
something I had previously thought to do.  It should be a great addition to our
rental station's marketing program.  We have already talked to Medela re: this
problem and they said they would look into it.  They also suggested an article
for Rental Roundup.  I have already published an article of this type in the
Wet Set Gazette, which is the local diaper service's newspaper that most
expectant and new moms read.  I think I will send a copy of that article (with
some revisions) to Rental Roundup.  Thanks again :) and have a great day.
Yaffa Stark MA, IBCLC
Los Angeles, CA
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Remember, breastfeeding should not hurt!