Hi all-it is just wonderful getting all this mail, even if it DOES take an
age to read it all. It's just like going to Medline and the ILCA conference
every day (well, almost...!)

To the meaty stuff: thanks Ellen for your input,esp. on reimbursement issues.
Being a hospital LC, and now opening private practice, it's a BIG issue for
me. Regarding using Lactation Services as a selling point for a hospital: In
the past that was definitely a valid strength, but with managed care, may
decrease in importance somewhat, as it is not the consumer who chooses the
hospital for the delivery but payor, and it is $$$ that influences the
choice. SOOO, we have to shift our focus and strategize on convincing the
HMO, Insuror, etc. that our services, however we provide them, SAVE $$$ UP
FRONT. Not always easy to do!
I'm enjoying the discussion on Prozac, & colitis. May I suggest that we all tr
y to quote pertinent articles when possible so that we can look up the
sources we need?
Feel like I've joined a lot of friends!

Denise Mollenkopf, RNC, IBCLC - Florida