Hi Back to you Jan....sorry for the nagging, but I am happy to have you as
part of Lactnet. I think that this promises to be a very exciting for
connections for all LCs who are interested in computer connections.  I have
been contacted, by the way, by Thomas Hale, Ph.D , who is the pharmacologist
who wrote the book about drugs and human milk. He will be joining us very
soon also, so save up your drug related questions.

Just for information sake....if  any of you would like to see who is logged
into Lactnet...You can send a command to the [log in to unmask]
address. In the body of the message, put


This will get you the list of all the participants...unless any are
"concealed." If one is "concealed" you will not show up on the list. If you
would LIKE to conceal yourself (ie have your email identity kept concealed),
send a

Set Lactnet CONCEAL

Command to the Listserv address I gave above.


Kathleen B. Bruce RN, BSN, IBCLC
Williston, Vermont USA
[log in to unmask]