I am posting this query for Petra Adams, who is a research assistant
for the Archaeological Research and Consultancy at the University of
Sheffield (ARCUS), as she does not have an internet account here.  I
have been of only limited help to her with ideas off the top of my
head, so I thought knowledgeable people on the list might be the way
to find out about any sources that relate glass and glasswares to
social status.
The project on which Petra is working is a study of post-medieval
(and some medieval) glass--bottles and a variety of drinking vessels
and beakers--from a wide variety of domestic sites in Lincoln.  I
have given her George Miller's TPQ list and bibliography and
mentioned the articles in Historical Archaeology and the reader
compiled therefrom.  None of this is available locally except my copy
of George's TPQ list!
What has us wracking our brains is where to find studies of
glasswares that get into social analysis and so forth.  Does anyone
out there know what we are failing to find in the literature?
A secondary question:  does anyone know the whereabouts/address of E.
Anne Smith, formerly of Material Culture Research at Parks Canada but
now living in England, perhaps no longer with the same last name,
perhaps in the Birmingham/West Midlands area?  I phoned the last
number I had for her but found she had moved, can't find her on the
SHA membership list.
Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions!
Best regards,
Mary Beaudry
c/o Department of Archaeology & Prehistory
University of Sheffield
Sheffield S10 2TN
United Kingdom
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