Hello folks,
     Does anyone have an E-Mail address for Norman Gary (U.C. Davis).  I
caught the movie "Deadly Invasion" the other night.  Being from a typical
"Agrarian California community" (TVguide synopsis) I would like to express my
appreciation for helping to intensify the ignorance and hysteria of the
general public.  Part of that public is landowners that allow me to keep my
locations even with liability claims being what they are, and not really
realizing great profits from their generosity.  With the general public
losing connections with their agrarian roots at the pace we experience, it is
unconscionable that a beeman would participate in a venture that presents
half-truths, promotes hysteria, and harms the beekeeping industry as this
film did and will continue to do for some time.  There are many conditions in
beekeeping that are out of our control (human that is).  Proper forethought
is not among those conditions.
Brian Tassey
Alta Apiaries
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