This discussion of bees in urban areas has been most interesting - but
you are all missing the most effective way to avoid neighbor problems.
#1 - keep protective gear handy but never work your bees with protection
other than a smoker.  Wear shorts and go shirtless.  This will keep
you gentle and the bees as well.  It makes no sense to tell your neighbor
that the bees are harmless and then wade through a hive will coveralls,
veil and gloves - stirring them up in the meantime.
#2 - and this is the most important !!!!!!
If you are an attractive woman this will work.  If you are not then find
a partner who is.  Now refer to #1 above.  Wear as little clothing as
local laws allow and I assure you that the burley trucker next door will
not complain.  Who knows, he may even lean over the fence with his beer
in his hand and learn a little about beekeeping.
PS - If I lived in town I would have to find myself a partner.