On Fri, 17 Mar 1995, Gini Free wrote:
> >First of all, thanks to all of you that have been giving me advice on
> >getting started. It has been very helpful.
> >
> >        The hive is ready, got the smoker & veil, bees should be here mid
> >April, however I am still debating where I should put my bees. I live in
> >Gainesville, Florida which was Tree City USA a few years ago. I live on the
> >outskirts of town. My parents live on 5 acres in the country about 1/2 hour
> >from here. My debate is do I put them in the country where there may be
> >more pollen sources but I will only be able to observe them once a week
> >(sometimes every other week). Or do I keep them in the city where I can
> >observe their flying, etc. daily but may not have as much pollen source?
> .....
> >Kelley
> >[log in to unmask]
> >
I am not familiar with your area but would bee surprised if there was not
enough pollen in an urban area.  Flower gardens should be more than
enough.  Assuming you are setting up a hive to enjoy it - put it where
you can enjoy it.
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