A question was recently bounced about on the internet -- "Is plywood safe
for bee hive construction?"
   A Jan/Feb 1995 article in ARAMCO WORLD treats beekeeping in Yemen.  One
picture caption reads:  "Beekeepers build plywood hives or visit a
craftsman who makes them of terracotta."
   One can also read:  "Combined with the dry climate and short flowering
season of local plants, their efforts have helped to produce the most
expensive and ought-after honey in the world....a two-pound tin of the very
best honey in the comb can command a price of $100 or more."
   Does the plywood hurt?  Consider the following in the same article:
"The honey is thought to be the perfect medicine to help women regain their
strength after childbirth.  Elderly men maintain that a dily spoonful keeps
them young, while young men believe that regular doses will help produce a
male heir."
* Adrian Wenner        E-Mail   [log in to unmask]  *
* Department of Biology        Office Phone    (805) 893-2838 *
* University of California     Lab Phone       (805) 893-2838 *
* Santa Barbara, CA  93106     FAX             (805) 893-4724 *