Since I'm a shaky navigator (let alone surfer), here's a quick intro to
high-touch low-tech Dawn Kersula in Bellows Falls, Vermont.

I live in a village of 2500 people, have been a LLLLeader for 12 yrs, an
LC for four, and teach childbirth classes while going to school (RN,
after an English Lit degree 20 yrs ago), married to the world's most
darling man, three kids (Phoebe, 13, Blythe Hope, 10, and Michael, 8).

I'm looking forward to the opportunity to pick your brains and currently
feel like I have nothing to contribute due to what Phoebe calls "Brains
of Fluff" (not that we would ever let fluffernutters into our
home...that's a joke but not much).  I'm doing my clinicals at Dartmouth
Hitchcock, and the ICN has expressed an interest in getting on-line.  So
we'll see what we can do here!

This Illinois transplant will read your Illinois contributions with the
proper accent...  Best regards to all, Dawn Kersula