>Hang in there, everyone. I have 3 LCs and a helper in my house at the moment.
>The dog is going crazy from all the attention!!!

RE: getting money up front. Easiest way is to use credit cards, (that is to
accept payment via them). You pay a 3% (approximately) fee, but the money
is automatically in your bank with 2-3 business days and cuts way back on
bounced checks, etc.

Re: blis, one guest LC says, "let's get rid of them."  She also notes they
would be a very bad idea in a climate such as Florida (hot, muggy, moist,
thrush environment par excellent!)

Also, therapeutically, they are inappropriate.  Some leaking is protective
and appropriate. Since when is egvery bodily fluid something to prevent
from occurring?!   Taa taa.  KGA (+ guests)

         %%  Kathleen G. Auerbach, PhD, IBCLC    %%
         %%        Lactation Services            %%
         %%        Homewood, Illinois            %%