Hi, all. Anybody else get the latest Prolac, Inc mailing on their "blis--the
Breast Leakage Inhibitor System"? This is a breast shield with a "specially
designed concave nipple that rests comfortably against the woman's own nipple,
creating enough pressure to stop leakage...." They had a booth last summer at
ILCA and I picked up a sample. Haven't had any personal reason to try it <g> and
haven't had an opportunity to let a mom try it, either.

The literature (both brochure and cover letter) state "The response from our
customers has been incredible, nursing mothers are finding blis an absolute
necessity." WHOA! How did I ever nurse my 2 for all those years if I was lacking
such a necessity?  Does this bother anybody else?

Have any of you used this shield with anybody? I don't really doubt that it
might help some moms, but I have 2 problems with it. 1. I do not like to see
anything listed as an absolute necessity for nursing (with 2 notable standard
equipment items...) because it implies a whole level of hassle that shouldn't
have to be there for most moms (not to mention the cost--$19.95 for 2 shields, 4
pads, storage container, and instruction booklet). 2. I wonder if this isn't a
bandaid approach for a lot of women who perhaps leak because they follow
traditional guidelines for nursing 10 min per side, therefore removing lots of
milk for baby to get his calories, therefore causing more milk to be produced.
Seems to me many of these moms could be helped more cheaply, and perhaps more
"naturally" with just a switch to the "finish the first breast first" philosophy
of nursing.

Brochure also states that "blis provides a simple and affordable way to stay dry
throughout your bf experience." That bothers me, too, as it implies either that
you are going to leak until you wean, or that you will most likely wean before
the leaking would normally taper off.  Am I nuts?
