Dear All
Back to queen marking debate of last week.  For the past 8 years I have
used nothing but the queen marking paints sold by Steele & Brodie in
Scotland (Fax +44 382 543022).  They are Xylene based and very fast drying.
I have never had a queen die, be attacked, or loose her mark with this
product.  It is sold in all 5 colours in small bottles complete with brush
for just GBP 1.00.
Cheers, Max
                                                 (@ @)
---------------------------------------------ooOo-( )-oOoo-----
Dr Max Westby
(Among other things a Sheffield Beekeeper)
South Yorkshire Beekeepers Association  BBKA apiary reg: JQ34
Phone (Home):          +44 (0)114 236 1038
Fax:                   +44 (0)114 276 6515
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