My thanks to all of you who responded to my inreq.  Response was divided,
but the majority seemed to feel that the use of creosote was not a good
idea.  Perhaps there is a difference in the creosote formulation in USA
compared to other parts of the world???  This isn't clear to me.  I do
know that brand names or common names can sometimes differ widely.
I think I'll try the waterproofing formula suggested by William Lord.
I'm curious how beeswax would do as a substitute for paraffin.  Perhaps
it would make a sticky, pleasant-smelling mess!  Beekeeping encourages
Cordially yours,  Jim
|  James D. Satterfield  |  [log in to unmask] |
|  P.O. Box 2243         |                          |
|  Decatur, GA 30031 USA |  Telephone 404 378-8917  |