>The mainframe on which we have been receiving bee messages is being taken off
>the system so we must unsubscribe and then resubscribe under a new system.
>Please:  unsubscribe us and/or tell us how to do it  and
>         tell us how to resubscribe.  Thanks Jack Neff
This seems to be a popular subject, so I'll post a general response.......
To subscribe to BEE-L, send e-mail to [log in to unmask]
with one line in the body of your message:
SUBSCRIBE BEE-L <put your real name here>
To unsubscribe, do the same thing (i.e. send mail to
[log in to unmask]), but with the following line:
Note that you *MUST* sent the unsubscribe request from the same
computer that you originally subscribed from. Otherwise, the listserver
will ignore the request. If you can't unsubscribe, try sending mail to
the list owners, requesting that they delete you manually (this is a pain
for the owners, so do this only as a last resort!)
To check on what the listserver thinks your e-mail address is, send
a message to [log in to unmask] with a single line in the body
of the message:
The listserver will respond with information about all the current
subscribers on the list (this is a good way to find out who the list
owners are, also). Put the file into your favorite text editor, and
search on your name, to see where the listserver sends your mail.
To get help on how to run the listserver, send e-mail to
[log in to unmask] with one line
in the body of your message:
Hope this helps clarify how to control the listserver........
Rick Hough, a beekeeper from NE Massachusetts
[log in to unmask]