hi Teri,
> I remember someone posting a location for some honey bee
> drawings/pictures but I must have deleted it.  I now have my trusty new
> program of Print Shop Deluxe (from Santa) and want to make some lables
> for the up comming honey harvest this summer (hopefully).  If anybody has
> a line on any kind of clipart also, it would be deeply appreciated.
> Thanks
> Teri
Here at the Bee bbs Amsterdam, Holland we've been collecting beepics for several years now ( my Beegrafics area now includes over 2 megabyte in beepics..)
Perhaps we can trade some!
If you send me a (HD, 3.5", dos format) diskette, containing
some beepics, I'll send it back to you with some other beepictures on it. Please find adress below.
sincerely, Hugo
               @ @             Hugo Veerkamp
| reply to:                     BEENET INTERNATIONAL               |
| [log in to unmask] mail : the Bee bbs       |
|                                       |        P.O. BOX 51008    |
|(or your reply gets lost in bit heaven)|        The Netherlands   |
| Beenet : 240:31/0                     | modem: +31 20 6764105    |
| Fidonet: 2:2801/28                    | voice: +31 20 6715663    |