Brian- You didn't say what you want to fumigate for but I assume it would be wax
moths. Both the American Bee Journal and Bee Culture had articles in their
November 1993 editions which might interest you. In Bee Culture, Bill Sames'
article described past present and future control. In ABJ, Steve Taber's article
dealt with HYG bees. A number of years ago I visited the outfit of Shannon and
Glenda Wooten in Northern California where I was shown a temperature control
system using swamp coolers that Shannon said controlled his moth problem. You
might want to contact him. Sorry, I don't have his number but you can obtain it
from his father-in-law, Homer Park, ph. 916-547-3391 or 916-549-3555  .
John Gates, Apiculture Specialist
B.C. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
4607, 23rd. St. Vernon, B.C. Canada, V1T 4K7
Ph:( 604) 549-5580
fax:(604) 549-5488
Internet:[log in to unmask]