Hi all,
Happy new year etc.
It seems to me that these beeswax uses should go into a FAQ because  I'm
sure  many  people  are interested in this.  Seems also that we could do
the same with other hive/bee produce.  I will gladly  volunteer  to  put
a/some  faq's  together  if  people  will post me their 'uses'.  I don't
(yet?) have an automated method of circulating the results but I'll find
a  way,  maybe via someone else's faq handler (offers?).  My guess would
be to split into four groups -- honey, beeswax, propolis and others.
If you can supply some info  (I  have  all  the  beeswax  stuff  already
posted), please *mail* me directly on [log in to unmask]  It would
help me if you send mail for *each* group that you respond for because I
can then write out to an appropriate 'folder'.
I shall  post  on  bee-l  and  sci.agriculture.beekeeping  when  I  have
something ready, and how to get hold of a copy.
TIA, regards,
Gordon Scott    [log in to unmask]         100332,3310 on CompuServe
Newsletter      [log in to unmask]      ditto
                Beekeeper, Kendo Sandan, sometime sailor.
                Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG22 5HP, UK
Some men are discovered; others are found out.