Nov. 28, 1994
Authorizes additional advances on the 1994 Honey Crop.
                        total to date   Jan. Advance   total Jan. 1,
  1994 Crop
Sue Bee Bottlegrade        .24             .09          .33
Aunt Sue Bottlegrade       .24             .09          .33
Pool No. 3                 .19             .09          .28
Special Pool               .19             .09          .28
Pool No. 4                 .10             .03          .13
Beeswax                    .65             .30          .95
  (//////////////////////)   I have been looking at these prices
  (//////////////////////)   and reporting them for many years and
  /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\   it finally dawned on me that what
 |     Wild Flower!       |  producers are getting for their Honey
 |                        |  does not amount to much. Our industry
 |  _   _          \    / |  is close to the point of parity with
 | | |_| | __      _ \/   |  other 3rd world commodity producers.
 | | |-| |:  :|\ |:_ ::   |
 | |_| |_|:__:| \|:_ ||   |  It boggles my mind that any producer
 |                        |  can really call this a business with
 |  Product of USA..16oz  |  these kind of returns.
 |________________________|                          ttul Andy-