>[log in to unmask] wrote:
>>Varroa is believed to overwinter as adult females on the bees.  These females
>>can be fertilised or un-fertilised.  But in no way unfortunately does varroa
>>overwinter as an egg.  The eggs are only found in sealed brood, when present.
>This is interesting.  Can you expand more on the life cycle of Varroa, or
>are there some good references to learn about the habits of this pest?
>Paul Cronshaw DC
>Hobbiest Beekeeper
>[log in to unmask]
You might be interested that the "International Bee Research Association"
(18 North Road, Cardiff CF1 3DY, England) just published a book about this.
The title is "New perspectives on Varroa". One chapter deals with Varroa
There is quite a bit of information available about Varroa mites but it is
widly scattered in scientific journals and lot of it is also published in
German-unfortunately. This means that it is "lost" to the audience in the
USA. Sad but true.
Good luck in fighting this new bugger in your hives