> I had a hive swarm on me in September.  I captured the swarm and
> boxed them.  I fed them all the sugar water they would take.  They put
> honey up in one shallow super and layed some on the frames in the
> deep. They were also able to put in a fair amount of late season
> goldenrod pollen.   In New Hampshire this will probably not get them
> through the winter.
It would probably be best if you re-combined the hives, and split them
again in the spring if you want another hive.  It sounds like the swarm is
doomed anyway, and a big mother hive will more likely survive than a small
one.  It's in the spring when undersized/underfed hives will die, since
they're raising brood then (and need lots of food/energy).  At this time
of year they're only trying to keep a little warm and won't use much.
However why did they swarm when they did?  Just get overcrowded late in the
game, or is there a problem (mites?) that makes them act odd?