Yesterday I took a walk to my hives just to check everything was OK.
All winter preparations were completed some time ago.  It was about 3pm
and a few bees were flying.  Then I saw a drone entering one of the
hives.  There was no doubt.  It had some trouble getting through the
mouse guard so I had plenty of time to look at it.  Is this unusual or
have I just never noticed it before?  Around here the expulsion of the
drones is usually in August.  Sometimes a few hang on till early
September.  The only unusual thing I can think of is that it's been
warmer than normal for the time of year.  We've only had one frost so
far and that was in early October.
Malcolm Roe                                Phone  :  +44 1442 345104
Crosfield Electronics Ltd                  Fax    :  +44 1442 232301
Hemel Hempstead, Herts. HP2 7RH, UK        E-mail :  [log in to unmask]