Andy Nachbaur wrote, on:
> Subject: Re: Strange drones.
responding to:
>> <Kerry Clark >
>> Subject:      Re: Strange sighting of drone.
>       One thing that is for certain the hives that produce the drones
> are not necessarily the ones' that will house them. Drones may be
> deficient in eye sight, but they are great at finding the hives with
> the stinky queens.
 This is interesting. So do weak queens attract drones? If so, why?
 Perhaps so that when the queen is eventually superseded, there will be
enough drones? Or maybe weak queens produce less or more of some pheromonal
substance and the drones are able to sense this, and find these
colonies... but why? For possible supersedure again?
  Adam Finkelstein    [log in to unmask] | (awaiting my muse...)