Ohio University Electronic Communication
   Date:  26-Oct-1994 10:04am EST
     To:  Remote Addressee                     (
 _mx%"[log in to unmask]" )
   From:  Mark Landon                                Dept:  Classical Languages
          LANDON                                   Tel No:  614-593-0926
Subject:  Pot excavation
Computer?  Video camera?  You're kidding, right?  Look,
here's what you do:  take the sherds out of the ground.
Put them all in a basket.  Take them indoors.  Clean them
off.  Spread them out on a table and put them back
together.  Proven effective by centuries of experience on
millions of pots from all over the world.  No competent
potmender will need each fragment individually labeled,
much less plotted on a computer.  Hi-tech is not always
the answer.
Received:  26-Oct-1994 10:06am