Dave Green wrote
>     I don't know if this would work in weather as severe as you have, or if
> you have other bees. Most years I winter over a bunch of late nucs (to save
> the young queens) on a double screen over strong hives. I always face the nuc
> entrance in the opposite direction as the hive, but I do think there tends to
> be a little drifting upward, which helps the nuc. I lose a few, but those
> that survive come on like gangbusters in the spring.
    I'll display my ignorance and ask what you mean by placing the
nuc on a double screen over a strong hive?  What is the separation of
the two queens and how is the hive set up?  My understanding is that
if a queen can sense another queen she will try her best to get at
the other to kill her.  I have read that a nuc can be placed over a
strong hive if there is one (or two?) deep super(s) separating the two
Thanks Cameron Skinner
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