Your messages were most appreciated.  New Zealand holds the record for
farthest, Italy and Belgium also represented.  Montana beekeepers seemed
to enjoy the day.  Hope you don't get too many cryptic messages.
I explained that one does not sell on the Internet.  Several interested
in asking if a position could be announced.  Since Entomo-L, and others
do so at times, I didn't think the list would mind.  Jim's attempt went
to my mailbox, so I re-packaged it and sent it out.
In the same room we had beekeepers from toddler through retirement age,
all reading your messages and having a good time.  I particularly liked
seeing a family from Wolf Point, dad tried to answer New Zealand and was
impressed by the size of the Organization, mom tried to answer a question
about M.S. and apitherapy, and the son tried to respond to Adrian Wenner
since he is looking for colleges to attend.
Thanks for all the help.
Jerry Bromenshenk
and the Montana Beekeepers Association