Reply to:     RE>request for information
Date: 08-30-94  9:07 AM
To: Wilson, Andrew
If you are interested in an antipodean privy for camaprison some details of
an unusual privy from just outside Sydney will shortly be available (I am
now making corrections to the report prior to publication.
The privy was constructed as part of a large mansion called Regentville,
during 1823-1825, and was used continuously until the house burnt down in
It consisted of a trench excavated just into bedrock, with an outlet drain
to removed waste and several inlet drains which did not actually flush the
trench, but directed ground water and roof run-off into it from soakage
drains. It was housed in a stone building attached to the back of the
billiard room which formed the west wing of the mansion.
In all 11,250 artefacts (weighing 189.5kg) were recovered from the privy
trench and drains in ten seperate deposits which have allowed us to examine
how the assemblage was formed. It included 16% tablewares, 23% bottles, 6%
drinking glasses and not suprisingly, nearly 20% toilet sets.
Our analysis of the assemblage so far makes it clear that the privy was used
to dump household refuse throughout its life and that it was periodically
emptied. It had one major cleanout and repair operation not long before it
was demolished when the house burnt down. We developed a five stage model to
explain this process.
Jay, one of my students has already replied with some references (why does
she have more time to read e-mail than me? - she has a thesis to write!) but
I will send you the plans and details I have availailable by snail mail now
that I have your address. Hope they might be of interest.
Andrew Wilson
Archaeology A14
University of Sydney 2006
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