The value of bee pollination can be estimated as:
   unit value of the crop x increased crop resulting from pollination
   say  $ 1 per kg x increase of 50 kg per hectare      =  $ 50 per ha
   total value of crop x proportion attributable to pollination
   say $ 300 per ha x 30 %  = $ 90 per ha
   Fruit growers likely have a good idea of the proportion (although they
   might understate it) since they ask for pollination services.
   Although these may be the value of pollination, the pollination fee is
   affected by the market (hive supply, beekeeper's options). A base value
   may be the value of the beekeeper's time in moving hives to the
   pollination site, considering how the colonies will do there, relative
   to leaving them where they are.
   Kerry Clark, Apiculture Specialist
   B.C. Ministry of Agriculture
   1201 103 Ave
   Dawson Creek B.C.
        V1G 4J2  CANADA          Tel (604) 784-2225     fax (604) 784-2299
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