Newsgroups: sci.agriculture.beekeeping
Subject: Need historical information
Date: 7 Sep 1994 16:43:12 GMT
Organization: University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho
        My name is Chad Moore, and I am a beekeeper in the state of
Idaho.  I am a college student, and am writing my senior thesis on the
history of beekeeping both in the Northwest, and the rest of the United
States, and would even touch on other countries if I could get
information.  I am asking anyone who has any type of old beekeeping
records to let my know, I need a lot more facts.  Also if I could get
some information on some good books in which I could research that would
also be a big help.  If anyone can help I would really appreciate it.
College Beekeeper
Chad Moore
420 NE Campus
Pullman, Washington