-- [ From: Robert T. Reed * EMC.Ver #2.0 ] --
I have heard frrom an older bee keeper of an old technique of warding off
robber bees, that has worked for me.
I thought I would pass it on for what ever it is worth.
Maybe it was just coincidence, or this technique really works.
If any one out there has ever heard of this , please add your thoughts to
this notice:
What I did was hang a rag that was soaked in kerosene in front of, and just
above the entrance, of my hive.
This is supposed to be offensive to outsider or robber bees, but not to the
bees that reside within.
Again, I say, it may be coincidence, but it really worked for me, and I
would like to pass it on.
Let me know what you think.
(a new bee keeper)
Bob Reed