On Tue, 23 Aug 1994, Jerry J Bromenshenk wrote:
> Macs seems a little better than DOS
> boxes.
** I am not sure I agree with this. DOS has has cross plafforms such as LINUX
for a lot longer than MAC has been around. MAC's are generally eaiser for
those who don't know much save 'point and click' whereas DOS is a more
hands on situation. There are many free cross-overs that allow you to use
DOS commands in UNIX and vice versa. The MAC is useful due to it's extremely
loaded software which does all the work. Unfortunately, when a problem occurs
MAC users generally <if they can't point and click their way out> are at
a loss.
In my experience with ftp sites <i admin three> all you need to do is to
upload the program via 'bin' while  logged on at your own site. Some
people try to move it from their home directory into the site. I prefer to
logon and instead of [cd /ftp/users/ro/robee/BEE] I logon and do this:
ftp crl.com [name <not anonymous>] [password <same as login passwd>] then:
cd into pathname where I want the files to be kept. In my case <example>:
[cd usr/pub/robbee/BEE] then I upload...for DOS machines you can type [sz]
to upload via zmodem. That way if the upload fails you can resume at the
same point instead of crashing. That's why I like DOS. You can work with it.
If there is a problem I could store the files at CRL.COM tyhe pathname is
in the FAQ.
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