I am Michael Hoover, a Master's student in anthropology (concentration in
archaeology) here at Syracuse University.  My work has primarily been in
Jamaica working at the Seville Plantation slave settlements with Prof.
Douglas V. Armstrong.  My specialization has been glass artifact analysis
from this site and generally 17th-19th cent British glass.  From my research
I have produced an undergraduate honors thesis on glass analysis
(functional, not chemical) and its application to site interpretation.
For my Master's work I am delving into the realm of public education and
archaeology.  I am trying to create a widely applicable participatory
education program involving mock excavation and interpretation.
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Syracuse University Archaeological Research Center
P.S.  If anyone out there either on HISTARCH or ARCH-L is still waiting
to receive the bibliography and syllabus from the Ethnicity and the
Archaeological Record course that I requested info for back last Fall
semester, I apologize for the extreme delay in getting it posted.  We
have had some problems with getting them on disk and into the system and
we are in the midst of moving the whole department.  So, it may be a
little longer, but I have not forgotten you and have your addresses on
file.  The bibliography will also be posted to ARCHNET eventually.