Dear Chester,
There are several places where you can get info on maritime archaeology.
For starters, SHA has an advisory council on underwater archaeology - you
could write them for more information (SHA = Society of Historical
Archaeology).  As for journals, I would recommend the International
Journal of Nautical Archaeology - your college library may have this in
the periodical section.  As for books, I can recommend Jeremy Greene's
book _Maritime Archaeolgy_ it has a steep price tag, but your library may
have a copy.  Also, anything written by George Bass would be well worth
your time.
These are just a few ideas to get you started.  There are a number of
people involved in this area.  One of my professors in
the Anthropology Department at the Univ. of Maryland at College Park is
very interested in maritime archaeology.  You may want to drop him a line.
Dr. John Seidel
Dept. of Anthropology - Woods Hall
Univ. of MD at College Park
College Park, MD 20742
Good Luck!
Gilda Anroman
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On Sun, 12 Jun 1994, CHESTER P. BATEMAN wrote:
> Greetings, I am looking for any information that will tell me more about
> Marine Archaeology.  For example, organizations, articles, and books.
> Thanks in advance.
> Chester,      [log in to unmask]
> PS  My area of interest is the Pacific Norhtwest. 19th Century.