Hoping the members of bee-l can answer some of the bee questions/worries
that we on the gardens list have. If you could post your responses to the
gardens list we would be grateful. ([log in to unmask])
Thanks for any and all input.
Maryellen Read in Omaha
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Date: Mon, 6 Jun 1994 07:59:42 LCL
To: Multiple recipients of list GARDENS <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: No bees
I live in So. California and I've noticed that we have had very few
honey bees here in the last few years.  Just wasps and a increase in
carpenter and bumblebees.  I think I read something about a bee
disease killing a number of them here.  Is that possible?
Pat in Long Beach (where we're waiting for the Killer Bees.  Maybe
the honey bees have been watching T. V.)
>I have suddenly realized that there are no bees in my garden, buzzing
>around my lavender bushes or even in neighboring areas here in San Bruno
>where I live.  The lavender bushes have attracted honey bees and
>bumblebees even during the winter months.  Now they are all gone.  I have
>seen only a few cabbage moth butterflys, where in times past there were
>lots.  Could this be caused by the widespread use of pesticides by my
>neighbors?  Could they really destroy entire colonies of bees?
>There are so few pollinators in my garden that I may be forced to use a
>paintbrush to do some of the job myself.  Has any one else experienced
>such a drastic decline in insect life in just one or two months time?
>I am really quite troubled by this phenomenon and the popular thinking
>that the only good bug is a dead bug.