  Just want to thanks all those who responded to my questions.
                                        Take Care,
Son's Daily Affirmation:        |                                 |
                                |                                 |
   I DESERVE it,                |       Son Trinh                 |
   because                      |       Dept. of Entomology       |
   I'm good enough,             |       UC Davis                  |
   I'm smart enough,            |       (916) 753-3265 (Home)     |
   And Dog gone it,             |       (916) 752-0333 (Lab)      |
   People like me.              |       (916) 752-3634 (Lab)      |
                                |       (916) 752-1537 (FAX)      |
      * Exerpt from SNL         |       [log in to unmask]       |
                                |                                 |