Hello Dan, welcome to the list
   I assume when you removed the queen cages, the queens were left in the
   The cages containing queens in packages usually have to be opened by
   hand to release the queen (the other way is a candy plug which allows
   the bees to release the queen themselves, but that type is not usually
   used in packages because the bees could release the queen before the
   package arrives).
   Anyway, assuming the queen is in the hive, she should lay eggs within a
   day. Eggs are laid in a large oval patch in the centre of the area
   occupied by the bees
   In 3 days those first eggs would hatch to larvae (about the same size as
   the eggs), which
   in 5 days will grow to pearly white larvae almost filling the cells. The
   cells are then capped with a slightly fibrous, brown waxy cover. The
   eggs laid on May 8th would be in that condition now. The queen would
   have continued to lay eggs on subsequent days and the earlier stages
   should also be present. There should be brood patches at least 8 inches
   across by now, in the center of the central frames occupied by the bees.
   3 weeks from the date eggs were laid, the bees will start to emerge from
   the cells, and the adult bee population will grow.
   Good luck
   Kerry Clark, Apiculture Specialist
   B.C. Ministry of Agriculture
   1201 103 Ave
   Dawson Creek B.C.
        V1G 4J2  CANADA          Tel (604) 784-2225     fax (604) 784-2299
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