One of the beekeepers here at the U (there's 3 of us and an ex so far)
finally made it out to his hive and found his bees dead. He couldn't figure
out why though, so I said I'd ask you folks...
        He said that it looked like they were an exhibit in a museum. They
were all over the frames like they were working on them as usual, but not
moving. They weren't all balled up and there was a lot of stores, with hardly
any dead bees on the bottom board. Any clues? I told him to put some in a jar
to get them tested. What's the address to send them to? Luckily he ordered a
package, just to be on the safe side.
        Also I checked my bee books and magazines and couldn't come up with an
answer to "what do bees do at night, do they sleep?" Anyone have an answer for
that one?
Dave D. Cawley            |    Where a social revolution is pending and,
University Of Scranton    |    for whatever reason, is not accomplished,
Scranton, Pennsylvania    |    reaction is the only alternative.
[log in to unmask]      |                             -Daniel De Leon