Hi beekeepers,
A question I would ask to you all *small* apiarists (1-20 hives?)
Seems it's interesting to keep some other's experiments ...
   from countries where weather is hot, sweet or where it is cold too (north)
About your honey crop ...
By which way do you *use*  your honey ?
        - what is your average crop (for one hive) ?
        - to whom you sell or give it, or your own use ?
        - on which form (liquid, crystallised (controlled or not),
                                   creamed ?, comb honey?)
        - in which jar, which quantities (pound, kg, gallon ?)
        - is there a quality control ? some minimum or max? some analysis ?
                (sugars, HMF, pH, water, pollens, etc ?)
I am preparing a mail (obviously with dictionaries etc, my poor
english!) with the usual conditions of honey use by the small
beekeepers in Belgium.  Mailing soon.
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