On Fri, 18 Mar 1994, [log in to unmask] appears to have written:
> On Fri, 18 Mar 1994, Aaron Morris wrote:
> [much deleted . . .]
> > I keep likening this issue to the issue of where do I locate my hives.
> > I don't place my hives on a busy street corner, for more than just the
> > obvious reasons.  A street corner hive would certainly be a way to raise
> > peoples' interest!  But a street corner hive would also invite those
> > whose interests aren't related to bees, per se.  A street corner hive
> > would affect those who just happen to be walking by (casual netters).  A
> > street corner hive would also invite vandals (mischievous netters).  To
> > avoid the passers by and the vandals, I locate my hives off the beaten
> > path.  And I welcome any opportunity to educate informed parties who are
> > inquisitive enough to seek me out and request a tour of my apiary.  But I
> > don't advertise either.
> ahhh, but we *do* place our hives on "street corners" such as fairs and
> expositions, in order to expose people to the wonders and values of bees.
> newsgroups will introduce many people to beekeeping - people who might not
> have come to it otherwise.
> the concerns being expressed by some subscribers about a bee newsgroup are
> a bit facile and more than a bit elitist. i have enjoyed being a member of
> this list for some time and i have gotten useful information from the
> group, but i look forward to an internet newsgroup that will have the
> worldwide circulation and open access that this will allow. i'll tolerate
> the occasional "interference" in the name of electronic democracy.
> regards, richard
> [log in to unmask]
> all disclaimers apply
Thanks Richard!
I am appalled by the irrational distrust (paranoia?) oozing between
the lines...  The creation of an internet newsgroup certainly will
have very little effect on BEE-L.  Most people prefer to read threads
in the logical, coherent manner that a newsgroup affords instead of
waiting for two days for a reply, trying to remember what it really was
that you said.  I don't anticipate hoards of vicious flamemongers
subscribing to the list like lemmings.  They are lazy and BEE-L is
Secondly, the perceived superiority by virtue of being a scientific
list is bollocks!  I've been a lurking member of the list for quite
a while and I have yet to see any high and lofty theories espoused
that a high school student couldn't grasp, much less a clinical
/* set soapbox off */
IOW - I think we're fooling ourselves.
"As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain;
 and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality"
                                Albert Einstein