> I just received a letter from China with 3 stamps produced in 1993 all with
> a honeybee theme.  While this question should await the recreation (Rec.)
> list, I wondered if anyone knows of any specialty stamp listings dealing
> with honey bees and their activities?
> Please post to me and I'll summarize for everyone.
> Paul F. Lehmann
> Department of Microbiology
> Medical College of Ohio
> [log in to unmask]
> [log in to unmask]
I'm expecting an update on the article on bee stamps published in Bee
World in the early 70s by Dorothy Shaw in Aus. I also have details of a
newsletter on bee stamps called 'Ar Gwenwn' (spelling is phoenetic!) -
if this is of general interest I'll post it to Bee-L.
                           Pam Munn
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