I notice that the mail supplier I was considering has discontinued their
glass-encased observation hive---of course, when I was considering getting
one.  This is not the standard single-frame-wide observation "hive" that
they still market, but rather a complete hive (with optional glass-enclosed
supers).  My question is: does anyone know of a source for these?  The
previous source was Brushy Mountain, and they were $64.95 for the basic
hive body with frames.
I've already got a "homemade" observation hive: a standard hive body
modified with an extension with a plexiglass side.  (Guess what!  Bees
won't cover plexiglass with propolis! ;-)  It's done well for me (last year,
I got to watch them destroying queen cells on the bottom of the frames), but
I was considering something more spiffy.  Were these observation hives
discontinued because they have problems of some sort?  Or weren't they
selling enough of them.  Has anyone on the list used these?
  --Jane Beckman  [[log in to unmask]]