Great story. My first hive was given me by my high school sweetheart's
father, John McDonald, an entomologist with the Navy (at the time). I think
he was trying to distract me. It worked, to a degree.
Now ten years later my own father is starting his first hive. He told me he
was always really excited to see me out there in the bees (bumbling gamely
along). He's waiting for Spring to get his bees and says he can't leave the
hive alone, even though it's ready to go. I'm proud of him.
Incidentally, Dr. McDonald relocated to Arizona. I still have his copy of
_The Hive and the Honey Bee_, which I'd like to return. If anyone knows of
him, an address would be appreciated.
Good luck with your new charges.
James Conklin                              [log in to unmask]
Behavior Analysts, Inc.                           Prefered:  [log in to unmask]
Strategic Teaching And Reinforcement Systems
       "Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of my employers."