Dear Bee-L subscribers,
There is going so much discussion about importing of bees
in USA, temperate bees and lately again about Yugoslavian
bees. Everything is related, somehow, with Carniolan bee.
Last year I asked in an audience of American beekeepers
if they know the origin of name of Carniolan bee. I
didn't get the answer. Perhaps someone knew. Anyway, I
will describe that for Bee-L subscribers.
    The name originates from Latin word CARNIOLA, which
is the name of county. This county is a part of SLOVENIA.
The Latin name of Carniolan bee (carnica) originates in
the name of part of Alps, which is not a part of county
Carniola. This part of Alps is in Austria and partially
in Italy. Why in English speaking world beekeepers call
that bee Carniolan bee?
I suppose the basic reason is in EXPORT of CARNIOLAN BEE
in USA, Australia and New Zealand from Carniolan county
100 years ago. In the 19th century Carniola was a part of
Austria. Slovenian beekeepers were very proud of their
own stock of bees. They were very careful to rear gentle
bees. Selection was at that time very successful. They
had several breeding centers in Alpic valleys. Export of
bees started in 19th century lasted to the middle of that
century. Slovenian beekeepers marked those exporting
hives with labels with the name CARNIOLAN BEES. That was
at that time kind of trade mark. Exporters had also
strong connections with American beekeepers. It is not
completely clear how they contributed to the export and
to the name of Carniolan bee. I can remember the names of
two exporters, first was Jan Strgar from Bohinjska
Bistrica and the second was Michael Ambrozic from
    I'd like to get some more information about
importation of Carniolan bees in USA, Australia and New
Zealand in 19th century and at the beginning of that
century. If anyone have some information about that,
please send me direct on my e-mail address or by regular
    Few years ago Slovenian beekeeping society
reestablished organized queen breeding. Research work is
done by Agricultural institute. Dr. Janez Pokljukar works
on that projects. In the projects are involved several
10's of queen breeders. Several 10,000 of queens are
produced each year. We hope there will be some chance to
export queens at list in other countries of Europe if not
somewhere else in the world.
    I kept bees in Slovenia for 12 years. Of course I
worked with Carniolan bee. There is no other race in
continental part of Slovenia. They are really gentle
bees. There is a big difference with bees in Louisiana.
Also Hear I do not use gloves, but I get much more stings
than in Slovenia. May be, something contribute to that
also different technology. In Slovenia we keep bees in
bee-houses, and hives are operated from the back. In the
bee-house, at the back of the hives, is a shadow, no
wind, and you can also sit on a char and work with the
   Don't forget, if you have some information about
import of Carniolan bee hundred years ago, please, send
           With regards,
Janko Bozic
Department of Zoology & Physiology
Louisiana State University       _       _________
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