On Thu, 10 Feb 1994, Jackie McMillan wrote:
> Hello, All.
>   As a recent addition to this list (I started participating in Oct.), and
> as someone fairly new to both bee research and beekeeping, I would like to
>   Tracking list traffic is very time-consuming; I would much rather have
> one list per interest area to follow.  Is anyone interested in simply
> making bee-line better known and more accessible through some sort of
> generalized postings?  Isn't there already enough factionalization of
> knowledge and communication going on?
> Jackie
I am also new to internet but not to beekeeping. Before I subscribed to a
list I purchased 1) a book on the internet  2) a directory of the internet
1) was invaluable in getting around the net 2) had a list of lists (also
available on about EVERY BBS I have ever been on, not to mention nodes).
The first thing I looked under was "B" for bees and there it was...BEE-L
I don't think we need to advertise...yet.